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Friday, November 18, 2011

5 GREEN Projects that can be completed for $50 or less.

Lets take a look at 5 Affordable GREEN Projects that can be completed for $50 or less courtesy of This Old House.

1. Install aerators on all of your faucets and showerheads
These small mesh screens are available at any local hardware or home improvement stores and are easy to install because they simply screw on to your existing faucet. These nifty little devices break up water droplets allowing you to use less without sacrificing rinsing power. Depending on the aerator rating, you can save between 2 and 16 gallons of water per day!

2. Clean your refrigerator coils
Ever notice how overtime, our freezer don't keep things “frozen solid” as expected?  Even the fridge seems to be not quite as cold at it had been in the past. That's because the efficiency of your refrigerator could be impacted if its coils are coated with dust.  When the coils are dirty, they cannot transfer heat as efficiently so it takes a lot more energy to keep the fridge (and your food) cold.  This little project will take you about 15 minutes and won’t cost you a penny.  The coils are usually found underneath or on the back of the fridge and can be cleaned with a long handled brush.

3. Replace worn weatherstripping
Installing weatherstripping is an easy and affordable way to save money on your heating and cooling bills.  However, over time weatherstripping becomes worn and the seals come loose. Check your weatherstripping before each winter and replace any that shows signs of pulling loose.  This will help keep the warm air inside and allow you to set the thermostat down a few degrees.

4. Install motion sensors on your outside lighting Instead of keeping that garage floodlight on all night, install a motion sensor on it.  This will save money and electricity, and it will reduce the ambient light around your home. The added benefit is that you will get a much better view of the night sky!

5. Go green when you clean... Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need an arsenal of chemical cleaning products to have a clean house. There are great green cleaning products out there that are much better for your health and the environment. You can always make your own! There is not much that baking soda, soap, vinegar or lemon juice can’t handle. Add a little essential oils and you’ve got a homemade cleaning product that is safe and smells good.

5 out of 10 Great Tips. More tips to come....Visit Often

Friday, September 9, 2011

You can Recycle and Reuse many things that can be useful to you and others

Seeing a Brighter Future: Recycle Old Eyeglasses

Recycling is not limited to aluminum, cans and newspapers even your eyeglasses can be recycled. Donating your old glasses to an organization that redistributes them to people who can't afford a new pair is a Great way of Recycling and Giving Back. You'll improve someone's quality of life and extend the life of those old frames you were going to throw out. 


REUSE OLD BOTTLES: Keep old squeeze bottles from your kitchen to use as bottles for your hair-care and cosmetic needs. Plastic salad dressing and cooking-oil bottles can be cleaned and refilled with soap, lotion, or shampoo.

Instead of Only heading to the recycling center or to the store, head to your local FREECYCLE Community, where members give items to other members or find cool new things - for free! CLICK the following   to find a group near you, go to and enter your location.

 Visit Often for more tips and information. Follow us on Blogger by
Clicking Join this Blog and also subscribe by Email to stay informed.

Friday, June 3, 2011

One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves."—Amelia Earhart

So be kind to the Earth and Other Creatures who inhabit the earth. Do Something Kind, make a Pledge to pass on the Knowledge of Going Green and tell your Friends and Family to Join Project GREEN on this Blog or Our Facebook Fan Page to help Save our Environment.

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Saturday, May 21, 2011


WE'RE LOVING ALL the ENTHUSIASM GOING ON OUR FACEBOOK FAN PAGE! ...from All! OUR TOP 2 FANS & SUBSCRIBERS are Broker Brown and Junie Dawkins. Keep Posting and Sharing. It's a Learning Experience for all.
Lets Make all Events, Fundraisers, Activities and Benefits a Big Success. Get Many Volunteers to help on Arbor Day, *EARTH DAY*BIGGEST DAY of the Year for OUR PLANET and Through Out the Year, Summer & Fall.

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Project GREEN is a CAUSE Created to Raise Awareness &  Promote Keeping the Earth Alive and Green! Let's GO GREEN together for our Children and Future Generations to come!
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