JOIN Project GREEN AND LET'S GO GREEN TOGETHER! We can save our environment one action at a time. Parents, get your kids involved! Pass on the Knowledge, make a Pledge to share Project GREEN information on How to GO and REMAIN GREEN & ECO-Friendly! *SCROLL DOWN PAGE* to view blog posts, join us and share your thoughts & experiences.

About Us

This is a Global Movement that needs advocates in every City, Town, State & Country.

Project GREEN is a CAUSE Created to help Raise Awareness on Keeping the Earth Alive and Green! Let’s GO GREEN together for our Children and the Future Generations to come. 
OUR MISSION is to Educate, Inform, Support, Share knowledge, Raise Awareness & Encourage Everyone to Do their Part to Help Improve the Environment, Restore Our Ecosystem and KEEP the EARTH GREEN! EVENTS to Raise Awareness, Member Activities and Volunteer Recruitment, will be posted to help Execute our mission.

We're here to Encourage All to Add a few things to your daily routine to DO YOUR PART to Help Improve the Environment, Restore Our Ecosystem & help KEEP Our PLANET GREEN and Clean! .. *REDUCE Air, Soil & Water POLLUTION!.. *WATER CONSERVATION, *REUSE ..*REDUCE ..*RECYCLE ..*Save ENERGY * PLANT a TREE ...etc. "Love the Planet and do what's in the Best Interest of Mother Earth."

Stay Up to date on Eco-Friendly Tips, Green Activities, Contests, PRIZES, GIVE-AWAY, Discount CERTIFICATES and *What's New* on ways to Continue Restoring Our Ecosystem to Help SAVE the ENVIRONMENT. Visit Our Facebook Page and CLICK Event TAB & RSVP the 'GREEN FRIDAYS EVENT!'

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