JOIN Project GREEN AND LET'S GO GREEN TOGETHER! We can save our environment one action at a time. Parents, get your kids involved! Pass on the Knowledge, make a Pledge to share Project GREEN information on How to GO and REMAIN GREEN & ECO-Friendly! *SCROLL DOWN PAGE* to view blog posts, join us and share your thoughts & experiences.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


WE'RE LOVING ALL the ENTHUSIASM GOING ON OUR FACEBOOK FAN PAGE! ...from All! OUR TOP 2 FANS & SUBSCRIBERS are Broker Brown and Junie Dawkins. Keep Posting and Sharing. It's a Learning Experience for all.
Lets Make all Events, Fundraisers, Activities and Benefits a Big Success. Get Many Volunteers to help on Arbor Day, *EARTH DAY*BIGGEST DAY of the Year for OUR PLANET and Through Out the Year, Summer & Fall.

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WELCOME to Project GREEN Everyone !

Project GREEN is a CAUSE Created to Raise Awareness &  Promote Keeping the Earth Alive and Green! Let's GO GREEN together for our Children and Future Generations to come!
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JOIN OUR GREEN FRIDAYS EVENT on FACEBOOK or This Blog, to Follow your interests on Eco-Friendly Tips, Green Activities, Contests, PRIZE GIVE-AWAY and to instantly connect to what’s most meaningful to you ABOUT SAVING the ENVIRONMENT, RESTORING OUR ECOSYSTEM and Helping Our Planet. 
(Don't miss any updates from Project GREEN)

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